Refund Policy

Can I cancel a donation that I’ve made?

No, you can cancel a donation that you have made any time up to 12 Hrs after your payment was made. If you decide to cancel a donation after 12 Hrs or Day, we will refund the donation provided the donation has not been used for a charitable project.

Can I get a refund?

No, you can ask for a refund for a donation any time up to 12 Hrs after payment was made. However, in case of refund the Original 80G receipt should be submitted to the Organisation. If 80G receipt is lost by donor then a declaration should be provided stating that “I have lost the donation receipt of Rs.____________ having receipt number____, and this is to declare that I will not claim this donation amount for income tax exemption”.


We will send you a receipt for your donation in the post and/or via email, according to your preferences.

Doner Services Contact Information

For any information relating to a donation, please email or telephone the Catalysts For Social Action Donations Department on Contact Us during office hours (9 am to 6 pm Monday-Friday).